Monday, December 8, 2014

2014 AECT International Convention Proves Productive for IDT Faculty and Students

Jacksonville, FL – A trip to the 2014 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention in Jacksonville, FL proved to be very productive for the Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) Masters Program.  In November, faculty and students collaborated to give presentations, enjoyed other presentations about issues in IDT, as well as met and networked with scholars in the field.   

Dr. Jozenia Colorado, Chair and Associate Professor and Dr. Harvey Foyle, Professor in the IDT Department collaborated with students to give two different presentations, while one group of students presented on their own.  The following presentations were given:

  • Creating Augmented Reality Applications for Educational Environments, presented by Dr. Jozenia Colorado and IDT Students Ning Liu, Xianyu Liu, and Heishan Luo.  IDT Alum Patrick Resa also collaborated on the content of the presentation, but was unable to attend the convention.
  •  Cloud Computing: Reliability, Ownership, and Security, presented by Dr. Harvey Foyle and IDT Students Jingwei Chen, Lixiazi Lu, and Muxin Wang.
  • 3D Printing Technology, presented by Lin Lin, Eva Gyawali, Weiwei Ji, and Minji Park.

Students enjoyed the convention atmosphere.  IDT student Weiwei Ji said it was a great point of exposure to the IDT field.  “We were able to interact with the top scholars in the field and authors of our textbooks.  To me, I met the IDT celebrities!”

IDT student Lixiazi Lu felt the AECT convention atmosphere was very supportive of graduate students.  Lu collaborated on a roundtable presentation and said, “It was a friendly atmosphere in which we could discuss different perspectives of our topic.”

As the most recognized association of information concerning a wide range of instructional and educational technology, AECT is the oldest professional home for this field of interest and has continuously maintained a central position in the field, promoting high standards, both in scholarship and in practice.  It provides an international forum for the exchange and dissemination of ideas for its members and for target audiences; it is the national and international spokesperson for the improvement of instruction.

As an international student from Nepal, IDT student Eva Gyawali was impressed with the representation from other countries.  Gyawali said, “AECT gave me the opportunity to meet people associated with my field from all over the world.”  While it was a little overwhelming to have met so many people from different countries and see their achievements in this field, Gyawali said, “it was a great learning experience and good opportunity to build national as well as international networks.”

Chinese IDT student Lin Lin agreed the experience was an opportunity to build international networks in the IDT field.  “I met the president of the AECT Affiliate of Hong Kong, China.  He is trying to establish a relationship between IDT professionals in China Mainland, Hong Kong, and the United States.” China Mainland is not very developed in the IDT field and Lin hopes her country can catch up with other countries.

Student travel was supported by funds from Emporia State University’s Graduate Office, the Associated Student Government in support of members of the Instructional Technology Student Association, The Teachers College Dean’s Office, as well as IDT Departmental funds.  Students volunteered their time working at registration and the technology support desk to off-set the cost of their registration fee. 

Dr. Colorado said the support given to these students was well worth it.  She enjoyed mentoring the students in preparation for their presentations.  “For most of them, this was their first professional presentation.  It is a wonderful feeling to watch them grow as presenters in the months leading up to the convention and then watch their final presentation in front of fellow IDT colleagues from all over the world.”

Dr. Colorado, who has been active in AECT governance groups over the last few years, had a few more accomplishments in addition to her presentation.  She began a new three-year appointment to the AECT Board (2014 -2017) as a representative of the Research and Theory Division.  She was also honored with a Special Service Award in appreciation for her dedicated service to AECT. 

The faculty in the IDT Department try to help students attend the AECT International Convention every year.  It is a valuable experience for both students and faculty alike. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

IDT Scholarship Fund Closes in on Endowment Level

It was less than a month ago when we first posted that we were getting close to endowment level on our scholarship fund.  As of today, we are less than $400 away from reaching our endowment level of $10,000. 

If you would like to help us reach our goal balance, please go to  Designate the amount you would like to give and under Designation, select Other.  Type “IDT Scholarship Fund (120935)” in the text input field.  (You can also give to our IDT Enhancement Fund which goes toward building and maintaining relationships with our students and alumni.  Insert IDT Enhancement Fund (520998).")  Select “Add Gift” and follow the remaining directions to complete your transaction.

 A sincere THANK YOU in advance.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Certificate in eLearning and Online Teaching

The Instructional Design and Technology Department is offering a new, 12 hour graduate certificate in eLearning and online teaching. The worldwide market for eLearning reached $35.6 billion in 2011 and is expected to grow to $51.5 billion by 2016. The Kansas Occupational Outlook Handbook forecasts 24.7 percent growth through 2020 for instructional designers and coordinators. The certificate provides online learning designers and teachers with research-based, best practices in online teaching and learning.

Students can begin this certificate during the spring, summer or fall semester depending on course availability. The certificate can be completed in addition to the Master’s Degree in IDT.  The 4 classes required for the certificate also count towards the Master’s degree.  Current students wanting to add the certificate, can do so by paying a $20 application fee.  All current and prospective students are eligible to complete the certificate. Unfortunately, IDT alumni are not eligible.

For more information, please contact Dr. Zeni Colorado at or go to

IDT Student Scholarship Fund Close to Endowment Level

In July 2011, a scholarship fund was established to benefit Emporia State University students currently enrolled in the Instructional Design & Technology program.  Before we can begin awarding scholarships, the fund has to reach an endowment level with a balance of $10,000.  After three years, WE ARE CLOSE!  We would appreciate your help!  Every little bit will bring us closer to our goal balance.

If you would like to help us get to our goal balance, please go to  Designate the amount you would like to give and under Designation, select Other.  Type “IDT Scholarship Fund (120935)” in the text input field.  (You can also give to our IDT Enhancement Fund which goes toward building and maintaining relationships with our students and alumni.  Insert IDT Enhancement Fund (520998).")  Select “Add Gift” and follow the remaining directions to complete your transaction.  A sincere THANK YOU in advance.  At the moment we do not receive reports on who gives to this fund, so if you end up donating, please let us know!

New Faculty Member to Join IDT in January 2015

Dr. Insook Han will be joining the IDT family starting in January, 2015.  Dr. Han will be coming to ESU from Seoul, South Korea, where she is currently an Assistant Professor at Hanyang Cyber University.  She earned her doctorate of education in the area of Instructional Technology and Media from the Teachers College at Columbia University. Dr. Han’s areas of expertise include Emerging Technologies on Learning, Technology Use in K-12 Settings, and Teaching with Multimedia Technologies.  She has published in the Journal of Educational Computing Research, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Educational Technology International. She has given several presentations at AERA as well as ED-MEDIA. When you have the opportunity to do so, please give her a warm ESU IDT welcome!

Transitions in the Emporia State IDT Program

It is hard to believe an entire summer has gone and we are over a month into the Fall Semester!  First
let me take a moment to express what a privilege and honor it is to serve the Emporia State University (ESU) Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) Program students, faculty, staff, and alumni as Department Chair.  During the month of June, I worked closely with Dr. Childress and our administrative assistant, Janet Schneider on transitioning into the new position.  In July, we said farewell to Dr. Childress as a faculty member, but I can assure you, he remains an advocate for the ESU IDT program and a continued member of the IDT family.  We will continue to see him at various gatherings and professional events in the IDT field. I look forward to building upon the solid foundation Dr. Childress laid in his 11 years as department chair and advance the ESU IDT program to the next level.  Thank you, Dr. Childress!

We have been working on quite a few things over the last few months! Soon after this post, I will post these updates.  If you prefer to receive these via email, please subscribe to our email list at

I hope to send/post similar updates on a more regular basis throughout the year.  If you have news to share, or perhaps would like to author a guest post on our IDT blog, please contact me!

Zeni Colorado
Associate Professor and Chair
Instructional Design and Technology

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Leaving ESU and moving to Baker University (a note from Dr. Childress)

Earlier this year, I announced that I will step down from the IDT department chair position at ESU. The plan was to teach 3 master's level classes each semester, research, do some writing (and perhaps grants) and just fade away, like an old soldier (see General Douglas MacArthur, 1951) -

That was the plan ..... until I was approached with a rare opportunity at Baker University.....

On July 1, I will be be leaving Emporia State University to begin work at Baker University as Professor and Director (and creator) of a new doctoral program in Instructional Design and Technology.  The Baker University undergraduate programs are housed at the beautiful Baldwin City, KS campus. My office and doc program will be housed at the Baker University School of Education/School of Professional and Graduate Studies facilities in Overland Park, KS (8001 College Boulevard). I am sad that I will be leaving my wonderful ESU IDT faculty colleagues and master's students.  However, I am happy that I may be able to help many of my former and current ESU IDT students achieve their goal of advanced graduate study (think Ed.D./Ph.D. in IDT degree) at Baker University.  Although the actual doc program will likely begin in fall 2015, interested individuals may be able to begin as early as fall 2014 by taking some of the common research courses that are already in place with the existing Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership. It's a bit early to give too many details, but I foresee an online and/or hybrid program that can be delivered online and at the Baker - Overland Park, KS location.

I have no doubt that ESU IDT will continue to be a world-class program, producing the finest master's degree graduates; and I am counting on it. Hopefully, many of our outstanding ESU IDT graduates will take the next step with me at Baker University!

Dr. Childress

Monday, April 21, 2014

Will it play in Emporia?

Will it play in Emporia?

An interesting piece (and title) in Slate by Paula Krebs, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bridgewater State University.

She makes some valid points about the importance of small regional universities to our society and how regional universities will need to embrace new technologies (and most importantly methodologies) to survive.

The problem, according to Krebs -

"While so many of us have been defending the value of a liberal arts education against the desire for us to deliver “skills,” we’ve too often been holding out against change in general—and technology in particular."

The forecast -

"The schools that don’t figure out what technology can do for their institutions and their students, who relay on their current methods of instruction and assessment, will be left behind over the next decades."

The outlook for instructional technologists/designers working in higher education is bright -

"....the kind of instruction we need will depend on faculty development, on faculty members being trained by their institutions to teach differently with tech."

Thoughts?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Post your comments below or on our IDT Facebook page.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

See China this Summer! Study Abroad Opportunity with Stipend and Free Accommodations Teachers College and the Office of International Education (OIE) is offering an exciting three-week study abroad opportunity to all ESU graduate and undergraduate students in China (Guangzhou), this coming summer 2014. Students who participate in the study abroad will be offered a stipend of about $500 for teaching, free meals and housing, and some free local trips and sightseeing.

Students will experience Chinese lectures and seminars, classroom teaching, school and family visits, historical and cultural field trips and sightseeing, local events and culture involvement.

For more detailed information:           
If interested, contact Dr. Neal Luo: 620-341-5835 or

Saturday, February 22, 2014

ESU IDT Team Presents Winning Instructional Design Solution at International Competition

Anaheim, CA – For the 5th consecutive year, a team from Emporia State University’s Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) master of science program was chosen as a finalist in the PacifiCorp International Design and Development Competition, sponsored by Pacific Power and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).  The IDT team of Ziang Wang and Yun Lauren Liu (L/R in photo) presented their winning instructional design and development solution at the AECT 2013 International Convention in Anaheim, CA. The 2013 PacifiCorp design and development competition involved having teams of two students design and develop a detailed written solution and oral report in response to a complex instructional design case study.  During the year-long competition, over one dozen international doctoral and master’s degree teams competed in the first round of the competition with 6 teams moving forward to the second round. Three teams were selected as winning finalists and invited to present their solutions at the AECT convention.  ESU IDT teams have achieved finalist status 5 years in a row (6 out of the last 7 years of the competition). As the most recognized association of information concerning a wide range of instructional and educational technology, AECT is the oldest professional home for this field of interest and has continuously maintained a central position in the field, promoting high standards, both in scholarship and in practice.  It provides an international forum for the exchange and dissemination of ideas for its members and for target audiences; it is the national and international spokesperson for the improvement of instruction. 

Recent ESU IDT history in the competition:
2007 - Sandy Valenti and Steve Harmon -  finalists
2009 - Liz Ermis and Jennifer Gibson - finalists
2010 - Michael Schwind and Rob Ervin - finalists
2011 - Jason Baker and Michael Stewart - finalists
2012 – Qing Zhang and Daniel BaldwinSeung Gutsch and Daphne Tseng – finalists
2013 – Ziang Wang and Yun Lauren Liu – finalists

Thursday, February 13, 2014

IDT-KAECT Conference Program is set. Register to attend, before it's too late!

The program is set for our ESU IDT-KAECT spring conference “Technology Integrated Learning & Kansas College Career Ready Standards” at Emporia State University on Friday, February 21 from 9:00 - 3:30. 

View a PDF of the program listing our outstanding presenters and abstracts of their presentations.

Information regarding registration.

We hope to see you on Friday, February 21st.

Monday, February 3, 2014

KAECT Conference

There’s still time to submit a presentation proposal and register for the upcoming “Technology Integrated Learning & Kansas College Career Ready Standards” KAECT Spring conference to be held on the campus at Emporia State University on Friday, February 21 from 9:00 - 3:30. A correction to previous correspondence, there is a modest conference fee that includes lunch. Information regarding the conference and pricing can be located at the following site:

The keynote speaker will be Doug Christensen, known as the ‘Assessment Maverick’ by Edutopia.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Jobs (2) - Educational Support Specialist, Washburn University, Topeka, KS

Dale Rusche, IDT alum and Production Coordinator with Information Technology Services-Instructional Services at Washburn Univ. sent the following position announcements for 2 Online Educational Support Specialist Positions at Washburn.  If you are interested in applying, information about how to apply is located at the end of each position announcement.  Review of applicants will begin, February 3rd.

Position 1) Online Education Support Specialist I, Recruitment No. 6180114

Applications are being accepted for an Online Education Support Specialist I position in Information Technology Services.  This position reports to the Online Education Support Coordinator. 


Schedule and provide group and/or one-on-one training sessions to help new and existing faculty effectively learn to use Washburn's learning management system and ancillary technical components supporting online educational programs, e.g., integration of online systems, testing software, mobile applications, analytics software.

USER SUPPORT (Faculty, Students, Staff)
Respond in a timely manner to phone calls, e-mail, and tickets, to assist students, faculty and staff with specific questions and issues related to online education. Meet with students, faculty and staff to provide personal, face-to-face instruction in the use of online course tools and the learning management system to ensure a successful experience with online education at Washburn University and Washburn Institute of Technology.

Assist Faculty in building, modifying and maintaining their online course(s) in the learning management system (LMS) to ensure they have provided a quality online course to students and have used the tools (LMS) effectively for teaching online courses.  Assist faculty in importing materials (files) to their online course(s) from third party software such as Respondus and/or StudyMate to provide quality online courses to students.

Develop and improve existing online materials that outline common procedures for online courses and/or resolutions to common issues to assist faculty and students with their use of online course tools.

Document procedures, changes and other relevant information for use and reference by other Online Education staff providing assistance to system users.

Other duties as assigned.

REQUIRED:  Graduation from high school or GED.  Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills.  Ability to work effectively with faculty and students with different levels of technical skills.  Ability to work independently, finding solutions to issues.  Customer service experience.  Knowledge of learning management systems (LMS).  
PREFERRED:  Post-secondary or higher education courses and/or college degree.  Customer service experience working with technology.  Troubleshooting skills in relation to PC hardware or software.  Experience working in an educational environment.  Experience with a learning management system - either completing an online course or supporting a learning management system.


Submit a completed Washburn University Employment Application (available at to or to Washburn University Human Resources, 263 Morgan Hall, 1700 SW College, Topeka, Kansas  66621.  RESUMES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Review of applications will begin February 3, 2014.  Entry rate is $15.01 per hour.  Excellent fringe benefits package.  Employment at Washburn University may be conditioned upon satisfactory completion of a background check.


Position 2) Online Education Support Specialist II, Recruitment no. 3790114

Applications are being accepted for an Online Education Support Specialist II position in Information Technology Services.  This position reports to the Online Education Support Coordinator.  The Online Education Support Specialist II is expected to have a full-time presence on campus.


Schedule and provide group and/or one-on-one training sessions to help new and existing faculty effectively learn to use Washburn's learning management system and ancillary technical components supporting Online educational programs, e.g., integration of Online systems, testing software, mobile applications, analytics software.

Work with Instructional Designer to create and update system training materials for faculty; and to develop, update and maintain resources/documentation for faculty and student reference, outlining common guidelines and/or best practices and procedures for Online courses.

Respond in a timely manner to phone calls, e-mail, and tickets to assist students, faculty and staff with specific questions and issues related to online education. Meet with students, faculty and staff as needed to provide personal, face-to-face instruction as needed.

Communicate learning management system status to faculty, staff and students to keep them updated on system availability and issues that might impact their schedules and ability to use online education resources.
Apply an advanced knowledge and level of expertise in regard to the learning management system and online educational tools, analyze and troubleshoot complex problems escalated from Online Education Support Specialists. 

Serve as backup to the Online Education Support Coordinator in assisting with general administration of the LMS including: creating new groups; adjusting course settings, accounts and/or enrollments; course backup and retrieval; and working with vendor(s) to resolve system issues in a timely manner.  Work with the Online Education Support Coordinator and other ITS staff to resolve integrated system issues, plan system upgrades, and outages for maintenance.

Research new software and tools pertaining to Online Education, subscribe to appropriate user groups and list-serves, attend conferences and training to remain apprised of new technological developments that might impact Online education.  Applying knowledge and understanding gained from research and education activities, assist in future planning for improvement of Online education at Washburn University.

Perform other duties as assigned.


REQUIRED:   High school diploma or GED and 3 years of experience supporting a learning management system, or a bachelor's degree in a field such as Computer Science, Educational Technology, Technology Administration, Mass Media, or Communication with completion of an online education course or experience supporting a learning management system.  Computer skills including proficiency using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point).  Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills are essential.  Customer service experience. 
PREFERRED:  Experience working in higher education and providing training in the use of computer software.  Knowledge of databases and queries; and in web page creation, maintenance, and conversion of documents for web pages. 


Submit a completed Washburn University Employment Application (available at to or to Washburn University Human Resources, 263 Morgan Hall, 1700 SW College, Topeka, Kansas  66621.  RESUMES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Review of applications will begin February 3, 2014.  Entry rate is $16.40 per hour.  Excellent fringe benefits package.  Employment at Washburn University may be conditioned upon satisfactory completion of a background check.


Jobs (3) - Learning Consultant, Cerner World Headquarters, Kansas City

IDT alum and employee of Cerner, Gerald Guerrier, shared the following information for 3 opportunities from Cerner (Kansas City). 

This link will take you to their career site (o.k. link doesn't work.  Working on it. Check back. ):^/W8k6Xl4OjOD611s0fdYI4EUsg69X8pgZOxTWwYMkmbofgvzQqtmlcnceNXj15Fk&sref=s

To search and apply for open positions, please create an account then look for the following positions:

Position 1)  Learning Consultant  
Auto req ID         397BR
Job Title               Learning Consultant
Location               World Headquarters
City        Kansas City
State/Providence            Missouri
Country                United States
Career Level       Professional
Job Function      Learning & Education
Recruiter             Elizabeth Tobias
Org Unit               Catalyst
Job Description                 Cerner Catalyst helps Cerner associates, clients, and business partners become competent quickly in the processes and tasks relevant to their work.  We put what we discover today into use tomorrow.  Innovation in healthcare and technology move at a rapid pace and Catalyst ensures that learning solutions for all audiences are ahead of the curve.

The Leadership Development learning consultant is responsible for coordinating, and delivering learning programs for Cerner’s leaders and managers. This role will have primary responsibility for facilitating learning in the classroom as well as program coordination for one of Cerner’s leadership development programs, as well coordination for some standalone training events.  Additionally, the learning consultant will need to partner with their team and internal clients to design and develop internal learning solutions to enhance our existing leadership and management strategies.  The learning consultant must possess excellent communication skills, model professional leadership attributes, and have a willingness to learn and adapt in a fast-paced environment.

Responsibilities Include:
• Facilitate Leadership Development courses (included but not limited to: New Manager Orientation, Management 201, Crucial Conversations, Situational Leadership, DDI, DiSC, StengthsFinder, etc.)
• Work with Catalyst program manager to coordinate and attend events for leadership development program
• Partner with the HR Associate Development team to coordinate Leadership Development programs and events
• Work with external partners/vendors to identify learning solutions that meet the needs of our Leadership Development programs
• Consult with organizations regarding intact leadership development opportunities
• Develop and maintain strong working relationships with Catalyst, HR, and all Cerner associates
• Apply the Catalyst learning philosophy and principles (relevant, learn-by-doing, performance-based, just-in-time, and real-time) to all Leadership Development program deliverables
Qualifications     Minimum Qualifications:
• Bachelor’s degree
• Two years of facilitation experience
• Experience delivering, or managing organizational learning programs
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Effective organization skills and attention to detail
• Effective time management and program coordination skills to handle multiple projects and tasks simultaneously
• Ability to learn and apply new skills and concepts quickly
• Ability to network with a wide variety of people, including HR Partners, AR Partners, Executives, non-US associates, and external vendors
• Basic computer skills, including Microsoft Office suite
• Ability to work overtime and irregular hours when needed

Preferred Qualifications:
• 2 or more years of Cerner and/or industry experience
• Interest in leadership development
• Proven facilitation skills and ability to manage a classroom
• Program coordination and/or program management experience
• Strong Interpersonal and communication skills
• Organizational and analytical skills
Additional Information Cerner Corporation is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and a drug-free workplace. Applicants for U.S. based positions with Cerner Corporation must be legally authorized to work in the United States. Verification of employment eligibility will be required at the time of hire. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position.

Position 2) Learning Consultant
Auto req ID         939BR
Job Title               Learning Consultant
Location               World Headquarters
City        Kansas City
State/Providence            Missouri
Country                United States
Career Level       Senior Professional
Job Function      Learning & Education
Recruiter             Kristy Mickelson
Org Unit               Cerner Ambulatory
Job Description                 The Learning Consultant in Ambulatory is responsible for the overall education for our organization.  This role will be responsible for planning, coordination, development, and delivery of a variety of associate and client education. This can include creating learning plans, collaborating with Executives and Managers to enhance ongoing education, updating webinar training videos and industry topics.  In addition, identify education gaps collaborate with Subject Matter Experts to build content.

In addition, this position is to drive the overall education plans for training Cerner client end users on a variety of solutions.  The Learning Consultant maintains a broad understanding of Ambulatory solutions, learning design best practices, and core team deliverable services and evaluates the effectiveness of learning activities.  The Learning Consultant in Ambulatory possesses excellent communication skills, flexibility and comfort with ambiguity, the ability to work comfortably with technology, an understanding of the learning process, and a willingness to learn and adapt in a fast-paced, client-facing environment.
Qualifications     Minimum Qualifications:
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• At least 1 year of experience designing training materials and curriculum
• Experience facilitating training courses in the classroom setting
• Excellent planning and project management skills
• Basic computer skills, including Microsoft Office suite
• Ability to work overtime and irregular hours when needed
• Excellent communication and organization skills

Preferred Qualifications:
• Master's degree in Education, Instructional Design or related field 
• Cerner experience of 1-2 years
• Familiarity with, and interest in, the learning process and or training experience
• Ability to work comfortably with technology
• Cerner solution and or experience 
• Clinical background
Additional Information Cerner Corporation is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and a drug-free workplace. Applicants for U.S. based positions with Cerner Corporation must be legally authorized to work in the United States. Verification of employment eligibility will be required at the time of hire. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position.

Position 3) Learning Consultant
Auto req ID         197BR
Job Title               Learning Consultant
Location               WHQ
City        Kansas City
State/Providence            Missouri
Country                United States
Career Level       Entry Level/ Junior Professional
Job Function      Consulting
Recruiter             Kristy Johnson
Job Description                 Learning Consultants are responsible for the planning, coordination, development, and delivery of a variety of internal and external client learning solutions.  These include facilitating client learning plan development sessions, executing client learning plans, conducting learning tasks analysis to identify core content to support learning solution development, developing instructor led training courseware and developing web-based training solutions.  In addition, this position is responsible for training Cerner client end users on a variety of solutions.  Serving as the lead for client end-user training efforts and leading consulting project teams to meet client needs.  In addition, the Learning Consultant maintains a broad understanding of Cerner solutions by learning design best practices, core team deliverable services and evaluates the effectiveness of learning activities.  The Learning Consultant possesses excellent communication skills, flexibility and comfort with ambiguity, the ability to work comfortably with technology, an understanding of the learning process, and a willingness to learn and adapt in a fast-paced, client-facing environment.
Qualifications     Minimum Qualifications:
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience required
• Possess decision making skills as well as the ability to deal with ambiguity
• Strong analytic and problem solving abilities
• Demonstrates the ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously and prioritize work to meet adapating deadlines
• Attention to detail
• Excellent planning and project management skills required
• Excellent computer skills, including Microsoft Office suite
• Strong verbal and written communication skills
• Ability to work overtime and irregular hours when needed
• Ability to travel up to 80% of the time required

Preferred Qualifications:
• Master's degree in Education or related field
• Preferred Cerner experience of 1-2 years
• Familiarity with, and interest in, the learning process and or training experience
• A clinical background
Additional Information Cerner Corporation is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and a drug-free workplace. Applicants for U.S. based positions with Cerner Corporation must be legally authorized to work in the United States. Verification of employment eligibility will be required at the time of hire. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position.