Thursday, October 20, 2016

ESU IDT Team Awarded Top Honor at International Competition

Two students in the Instructional Design and Technology graduate program were named the winning team at a recent international conference.

Milton Knopp and Julie La Combe, both masters students, presented their instructional design and development solution at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2016 International Convention. Knopp lives in Topeka; La Combe lives in Abilene.

To win the top award, they faced competition in the finals against two teams of doctoral students - one team from Old Dominion University (Norfolk, VA) the other from the University of South Florida (Tampa).

The aim of the competition is to promote promising instructional design research done by graduate students. The students worked together and received mentoring by faculty and professionals in the field.

The competition is open to all national and international AECT affiliates. From April through early September, there were three rounds of teams submitting proposals – the field started with 22 teams’ proposals and narrowed to the final three before the convention.

Knopp and La Combe found out in early September they had made the final round.

"The opportunity was a thrill, but extremely challenging," La Combe said.

At the convention, held October 17-21 in Las Vegas, each of the final three teams gave presentations and went through question and answer sessions. Judges then determined the winning team.

"(Knopp and La Combe) had strong competition," said Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon, the AECT design and development competition committee chair and organizer. "We are very proud of Julie and Milton's work!"

"I am certain we were successful because of the incredible instruction we received from ESU IDT professors,” La Combe said. “We simply applied what we were taught, and it all fell into place."

"The other schools represented in the finals were several times larger than ESU,” said Knopp. “(We) were the only masters students; the other four finalist were doctoral students. We were representing 'the little university that could'... and often has."

"Milton and Julie’s win reflects the quality of our program and our faculty and staff. This is a tremendous accomplishment and we are so proud of them for continuing this legacy," said Zeni Colorado-Resa, chair of Emporia State's IDT department. "ESU IDT teams have achieved finalist status seven of the last nine years, starting in 2007. Out of those seven times, our students were awarded the overall win three times."

AECT was founded in 1923 and is the most recognized association representing professionals who have an interest in improving learning through the use of media and technology.

Emporia State's recent history in the competition:

2007 – Sandy Valenti and Steve Harmon – finalists
2009 – Liz Ermis and Jennifer Gibson – winners
2010 – Michael Schwind and Rob Ervin – winners
2011 – Jason Baker and Michael Stewart - finalists
2012 – Qing Zhang and Daniel Baldwin; Seung Gutsch and Daphne Tseng – finalists
2013 – Ziang Wang and Yun Lauren Liu – finalists

Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Emporia State Faculty Selected for National Symposium & Convention

Two new faculty members in Emporia State’s Department of Instructional Design and Technology have been selected to participate in a symposium and present at a national conference in October.

Dr. Sungwoong Lee, assistant professor, was chosen to participate in the 2016 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Early Career Symposium as well as present research at the 2016 AECT Convention taking place in Las Vegas in October 17-21.

Dr. Yeol Huh, assistant professor, will be also be presenting at the convention.

The AECT Early Career Symposium is a mentoring program, which provides an avenue for early career scholars to receive mentoring from established scholars and leaders in the field. The symposium is sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Cyberlearning and Future Technologies program.

Lee was selected from a large number of highly qualified applicants based on his qualifications, work to date, and potential for future scholarship to the field of Instructional Design and Technology. 

“I didn’t think I would be selected,” Lee said. “I’m very surprised and excited to be participating in the symposium and looking forward to working with the mentors.”

Lee was also invited to present two papers, “The Effect of Video Games on Math Achievement,” and Embodied Pulley Physics: The Development of Hands-On User Interaction in Virtual Reality” during the 2016 AECT International Convention.

Lee is the third Emporia State University IDT faculty member to participate in the Early Career Symposium in the last six years,.  Dr. Jozenia Colorado-Resa was selected to participate at the 2010 symposium and Dr. Insook Han participated in the 2015 symposium. 

Huh was selected to participate in 2014 as a doctoral student.
Huh will present “Exploring Ways Online Teachers Teach Self-Regulated Learning Skills to Students in U.S. Online K-12 Schools” at the convention. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

IDT Students will Compete in Final Round of AECT Design and Development Competition

Emporia State University will once again have a student team in the FINAL Round of the AECT Design and Development Competition!  Milton Knopp and Julie La Combe, Instructional Design and Technology graduate students, will be representing ESU at the 2016 Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention (AECT) in Las Vegas, NV to compete in the final round.  Only three teams are selected to go forward to the final round.  The convention will take place Oct. 17-21, 2016.

Including this year, ESU IDT students have been finalists in the AECT Design Competition for 7 out of the last 9 years, starting in 2007.  The last time an ESU IDT team went to the final round was in 2013.  

Historical information on IDT students in final round of AECT Design Competition:

2016: Milton Knopp and Julie La Combe to compete in 2016 AECT Design Competition

Monday, July 11, 2016

Two New Members Join the Instructional Design and Technology Faculty at Emporia State University

After an extensive faculty search, we are excited to announce two new additions to the Emporia State University Instructional Design and Technology Family. Yeol Huh and Sungwoong Lee will be joining the department as assistant professors this August.  They will be teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses.
Yeol Huh, Ph.D.

Please join us in welcoming them to Emporia State University and Emporia, KS.

Yeol Huh, Ph.D.

Yeol Huh received his M.S. and Ph.D. in the Department of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University. He worked for the Samsung C&T Corporation in the international trading division as a business associate, and also worked for a Fortune 500 company as an instructional designer. 

His research interests include promoting learners’ self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and motivation in technology-enhanced learning environments by integrating technology and facilitating technology integration for learner-centered instruction especially in teacher education. 

Sungwoong Lee, Ph.D.
Sungwoong Lee, Ph.D.

Sungwoong Lee graduated from the Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies program at Florida State University in 2016. His dissertation, The Effects of Representation Format in Problem Representation on Qualitative Understanding and Quantitative Proficiency in a Learning Game Context, addresses how educational games, by providing various types of learning support, promote the acquisition and application of conceptual understanding in order to enhance mathematical problem solving in the formal educational context. While at Florida State University, he have accumulated teaching experience in both in-classroom and online courses in the College of Education at FSU. He earned his master’s degree in 2009 and bachelor’s degree in 2006 from Korea University.  

His research interests include problem solving in game-based learning, immersive virtual learning environments, design of virtual learning environments for students with autism, and technology integration in classroom. 

IDT Professor, Harvey Foyle, Retires

Dr. Foyle began his career at Emporia State University as an adjunct professor in the summer of 1984 and fall of 1986 and became an assistant professor in 1987. He came to the Instructional Design and Technology Department in August of 2000 and has served in the Teacher Education Division, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Social Science Division and The Teachers College over the last 29 years. He taught Instructional Technology for Educators and Advanced Instructional Technology to undergraduate education majors. He also taught graduate courses in Google Applications, Research in Instructional Design and Technology, and the Master's Project in IDT capstone class.
Prior to coming to Emporia State University, Dr. Foyle taught social studies and other related courses at the high school level in Emporia and Hillsboro, KS.

Dr. Foyle's research interests included instructional and curricular design, student teacher supervision, social studies education, classroom homework, cooperative learning, integrating technology into education, and handheld devices.  Highlighted publications include:

Creating Interactive Curriculum for Elementary and Middle School Studies. (2012). With Lawrence Lyman and Allyson Lyman. El Cajon, CA: National Social Science Press. ISBN 978-1-936306-46-8

Managing Interactive Classroom Learning Communities for Elementary and Middle School Students. (2011). With Lawrence Lyman and Allyson Lyman. El Cajon, CA: National Social Science Press. ISBN 978-1-936306-23-9

Dr. Foyle was awarded the Roe R. Cross Distinguished Professor award in 2002.  In an article honoring this accomplishment, he shared a hope for his students.  He said
, “I hope that they will have a love of learning, a dedication to their chosen field, and a caring for the people around them. "  Read more at

Thank you, Dr. Foyle for your many years of teaching, scholarly activity, and service.  We will miss you!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

IDT Professor, Jane Eberle, Retires

Dr. Jane Eberle joined the ranks of Professor Emeritus Faculty at Emporia State University (ESU), when she retired this past January.  Dr. Eberle joined the Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) Department in the Teachers College as an Assistant Professor in 2003.  She taught Instructional Technology for Educators to undergraduate education majors and online graduate courses in visual literacy, assistive technology and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).  Previous to coming to ESU, she spent fifteen years of teaching where she incorporated many uses of technology into her teaching.  Her research interests include effective integration of technology in the classroom, universal design and assistive technology, and visual literacy.  Highlighted publications include “Heutagogy: it isn’t your mother’s pedagogy any more” published in the National Social Science Journal, “What are we waiting for? Universal design for learning should begin yesterday” also published in the National Social Science Journal, and the book I Do and I Learn: Integrating Technology through Collaborative Project-Based Learning, which she used for her undergraduate instructional technology courses.  Throughout her professorship, Dr. Eberle had over 16 publications and gave over 40 presentations.

In addition to her exceptional teaching and scholarship, Dr. Eberle had a strong record of service to her profession, university, college, and department.  She served on the program committees for the European Conference on Social Media (ECSM) and the European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL).  She also served as a Member-at-Large for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Research and Theory Division and Vice President of the Phi Delta Kappa Flint Hills Chapter.  Serving ESU, she was an active member of the Faculty Senate, College and Departmental Faculty Recognition Committees, and many other committees, often serving as chairperson.  Her Teachers College colleagues truly benefited from her service coordinating the holiday and patio parties!

While Dr. Eberle will be leaving her role as Professor, she remains a great friend and mentor to her colleagues and former students.  Thank you, Dr. Eberle, and Congratulations!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Instructional Design and Technology Alum, Travis True, Wins International "Making IT Happen" Award

Emporia State University, Instructional Design and Technology alum, Travis True was honored with the coveted Making IT Happen award for his contribution to the successful integration of technology in education. The Making IT Happen award is provided by the International Society for Technology.
The Making IT Happen award honors outstanding educators and leaders who demonstrate extraordinary commitment, leadership, courage and persistence in improving digital learning opportunities for students. Since its inception in 1995 more than 500 educators from around the world have received the award.
“Making IT Happen honorees make unique contributions to advancing the use of digital technology to inspire learning and teaching,” said ISTE CEO Brian Lewis. “Their significant accomplishments all further ISTE’s vision of a world in which all learners thrive, achieve and contribute.” 

Travis True is a 2000 graduate of Sterling College and earned his MS in Instructional Design and Technology from Emporia State in 2007.  Travis has been with Topeka Public Schools since 2004 and is the Curriculum & Technology Coordinator. In this role, Travis has helped Topeka Public Schools with its 1:1 Chromebook initiative by providing professional development to staff to facilitate the use of Google Apps for Education.

Successful integration of educational technology requires a common passion, initiative and pledge that can best be summarized by the Making IT Happen Formula of Success: 
1.     Educators and leaders who apply available technology now
2.     Move forward and don’t look back
3.     See students as real people
4.     Teach through relationships by inspiring, encouraging, and nurturing
5.     Recognize that further change is necessary, but understand that it is a process
6.     Realize that teacher empowerment is the key element to technology integration
7.     Expect success 
8.     Motivate through awareness and access to information

About Making IT Happen

Founded in 1995, the Making IT Happen program highlights the dramatic role educators have on the learning process by using technology and rewards those individuals for their commitment and innovation. To date, more than 500 individuals have been awarded this recognition through ISTE and its affiliates. The impact of this program has been felt at hundreds of conferences around the world. The focus of the Making IT Happen program is on current practitioners, highlighting their significant contribution and encouraging them to continue their work.