Thursday, March 10, 2016

IDT Professor, Jane Eberle, Retires

Dr. Jane Eberle joined the ranks of Professor Emeritus Faculty at Emporia State University (ESU), when she retired this past January.  Dr. Eberle joined the Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) Department in the Teachers College as an Assistant Professor in 2003.  She taught Instructional Technology for Educators to undergraduate education majors and online graduate courses in visual literacy, assistive technology and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).  Previous to coming to ESU, she spent fifteen years of teaching where she incorporated many uses of technology into her teaching.  Her research interests include effective integration of technology in the classroom, universal design and assistive technology, and visual literacy.  Highlighted publications include “Heutagogy: it isn’t your mother’s pedagogy any more” published in the National Social Science Journal, “What are we waiting for? Universal design for learning should begin yesterday” also published in the National Social Science Journal, and the book I Do and I Learn: Integrating Technology through Collaborative Project-Based Learning, which she used for her undergraduate instructional technology courses.  Throughout her professorship, Dr. Eberle had over 16 publications and gave over 40 presentations.

In addition to her exceptional teaching and scholarship, Dr. Eberle had a strong record of service to her profession, university, college, and department.  She served on the program committees for the European Conference on Social Media (ECSM) and the European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL).  She also served as a Member-at-Large for the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Research and Theory Division and Vice President of the Phi Delta Kappa Flint Hills Chapter.  Serving ESU, she was an active member of the Faculty Senate, College and Departmental Faculty Recognition Committees, and many other committees, often serving as chairperson.  Her Teachers College colleagues truly benefited from her service coordinating the holiday and patio parties!

While Dr. Eberle will be leaving her role as Professor, she remains a great friend and mentor to her colleagues and former students.  Thank you, Dr. Eberle, and Congratulations!

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