Friday, February 25, 2011

Dr. Yong Zhao Lecture - Video

Dr. Yong Zhao's Jones Distinguished Lecture at Emporia State University on February 23, 2011 was outstanding!

If there is one online video that you choose to view this year, I urge you to view this one - and then share it far and wide.
View the video -
Users will need Windows Media player or WM plugin to view the video. On a Mac, download the Flip for Mac plug-in that works with Quicktime.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Call for Presentation Proposals - AECT Convention 2011 - Jacksonville, FL

Interested in presenting at the 2011 AECT International Convention, November 9 -12, 2011?
YOU can join ESU IDT faculty in sunny Jacksonville, Florida!

Share your expertise and knowledge with your peers, with those new to the field, and with professional practitioners and researchers representing multiple disciplines.

More information at -

This year’s convention theme is Celebrate 3.0: Design.Learn.Community. The rapid evolution of Web 2.0 technologies has generated a level of communication and interaction never before possible. In response, AECT 2011 seeks to explore the transformational potential that these innovations hold for education, as well as share current research and best practices related to these developments.

Proposals Close – February 15th, midnight (EST), 2011
The review process by divisions and affiliates will be completed within six weeks of the closing date for proposals.

AECT PacifiCorp Competition is Ready - Are you up for it?

How about continuing the ESU IDT legacy in the PacifiCorp competition?

The AECT/PacifiCorp instructional design and development competition problem is posted and ready for for a solution!

(The first submission is only 1500 words - that's less than some of you write in Facebook every day!) The deadline for the first round of submissions is April 15, 2011. Thus far, we have one team. I would love to have MORE than one team represent ESU this year!

Now is a great time to participate in this challenging and skill-developing competition. The problem statement (along with other information about the competition) can be found on the competition website at Abstracts for Round 1 are 1500 words and outline a proposed solution to the problem. Find a partner and show the world your awesome instructional design skills!

Contact Dr. Childress or Dr. Colorado, if interested.