Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Recording of Online Presentations Now Available

Here is a link to the recording of the Fall 2009 Online Master's Presentations. The recording starts a few minutes into the introductions. Congratulations Graduates!



Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More coverage of ESU IDT's PacifiCorp team

The Emporia Gazette had a nice article about Liz and Jennifer's prize-winning solution for the AECT-PacifiCorp competition. Check out the .pdf of the article at - http://www.emporia.edu/idt/pacificorp/2009/Gazette_11-14-09_6.pdf

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Leonard Marcus Lecture - Leonard Marcus - 11/18-19 - Visual Literacy/Children's Books

For those of you who are interested in visual literacy and/or children's books (and who are in the Emporia, KS area - or who are insanely rich and would like to fly in especially for this event)

More information - http://www.emporia.edu/jones/lecture.htm

Flyer - http://www.emporia.edu/jones/jdl09-marcus.pdf

The Jones Distinguished Lecture Series at Emporia State University and the ESU Archives are proud to present children's book historian and author, Leonard Marcus, at ESU on Wednesday and Thursday, November 18 and 19, 2009. Mr. Marcus will present a lecture titled "A New Deal for the Nursery: Golden Books and the Democratization of American Children's Book Publishing." The lecture will take place at 7:00 p.m. November 18 in the Kanza Room, Memorial Union, ESU. Preceding the lecture, Mr. Marcus will be the guest at a reception from 6:00 to 6:50 p.m. in the Flint Hills Room of the Memorial Union. Books will be available for sale during this time, and a book signing and refreshments will be available immediately following the lecture. On November 19 at 3:00 p.m., Mr. Marcus will present a lecture for educators, librarians, and students titled "Minders of Make-Believe: or, Children's Book History in Ten Giant Steps from the New England Primer to Harry Potter." This lecture will be held in Visser Hall 330, ESU. In addition, a special exhibit of original Caldecott-winning artwork from the ESU Archives' May Massee collection will be featured beginning November 18. The exhibit will take place in the May Massee Gallery, 3rd floor, William Allen White Library, ESU. All events are free of charge, and everyone is cordially invited to enjoy a glimpse of children's book publishing history.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Big news from the AECT-PacifiCorp ID Competition

Big news about the AECT - PacifiCorp international instructional design and development competition.... and something else to shout from the mountain tops!

Representing Emporia State University's Instructional Design and Technology department, Liz Ermis and her teammate Jennifer Gibson were recently selected as finalists in the PacifiCorp design and development competition (which involves having teams of two students design and develop a detailed written solution and oral report in response to a quite complex instructional design case study).

They joined the other finalist teams and presented their instructional design solution on October 28, 2009 at the 2009 AECT International Convention in Louisville, KY. Being selected as a finalist team basically means that they are winners in the competition, along with the other two teams.

To top it all off, Liz and Jennifer were awarded the Best Presentation Award (grand prize award) at the Research and Theory/Design Development luncheon, for having the best overall project and presentation. Emporia State was the talk of the conference. (I think this puts to rest some folks' concerns about the quality and rigor of online programs, don't you? :)

Here's more info. from the competition website.
General guidelines.
The problem statement that they addressed is here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

IDT Faculty and Students Attend AECT

Several IDT Faculty and Students are attending the Association of Educational Communications and Technology Conference this week in Louisville, KY. Congratulations to IDT Students Elizabeth Ermis and Jennifer Gibson who were among the three finalists for the Pacificorp Instructional Design Competition and were set to present on Wednesday.

Stay Tuned for More News and Pictures from IDT at AECT 2009!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sec. of Ed. Duncan recognizes ESU's Teachers College as one of the best

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan just finished October 22, 2009 speech at Columbia's Teachers College. Of special note is his mention of Emporia State University's Teachers College:

At Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas, home of the National Teachers Hall of Fame, the Teachers College is the crown jewel of the school. Roughly 80 percent of students are supervised by full-time education faculty instead of adjuncts-and all elementary education professors are in the public schools every day. Senior year is a 100 percent field-based program in Emporia's public schools, where student teachers do everything from assisting with grading to sitting in on parent-teacher conferences.

Full text is available at - http://www.ed.gov/news/speeches/2009/10/10222009.html

I am happy to see that The Teachers College finally has been recognized for its outstanding work. This is a great day for ESU, The Teachers College, and the Instructional Design and Technology Department!

Monday, June 22, 2009

ESU Presentations at SIDLIT 2009

Below is a list of ESU presentations (lead presenter names) at this year's SIDLIT 2009 Conference. I also know that several IDT individuals are co-presenters. (Note to those students/alumni listing other organizations as their affiliation - Once ESU IDT, Always ESU IDT :)

Emporia State University Presentations at SIDLIT 2009
*- ESU IDT Faculty/Student/Alum. #- ESU Staff

Delivering Custom Apps Using Rapid Application Frameworks
Aaron Sumner*

100 Ways You Can Use Google (besides Searching)
Marziah Karch*

Twitter, Tumblr, Yammer, Huh? - How to Navigate Massive Information Streams and Have a Life
Marziah Karch*

Tweaching: Teaching and Learning in 140 Characters or Less
Stephanie Gerald*

Tired of Long, Boring PowerPoint Presentations? Try Pecha Kucha!
Marcus Childress*

Captivate 4 Essentials
Terry Dicken*

Community Outside the Online Classroom
Dan Spurgin*

Digital Storytelling: How to Bring Your Stories to Life
Tracy Newman*

Using WordPress as a Content Management System
Yvonne Ballester#

Social eLearning? Social Networking Meets eLearning
Rob Gibson#

The eLearning Institute: Combining Faculty and Academic Support Expertise to Develop Online Faculty
Jozenia Colorado*

Demographics, Self-Regulated Learning Characteristics and Academic Performance of Online Graduate Students
Jozenia Colorado*

iTunes U and You: Implementing Podcasting at Your School
Rob Gibson#

Second Life Build Charades
Marziah Karch*

Friday, June 12, 2009

WolframAlpha math engine

A realy cool math engine - http://www.wolframalpha.com/ A great learning tool. Some math professors/instructors will hate this. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Japan tests cell phones to stop pandemics

A few years ago, there was a small simulation about virus transmissions that could be conducted with Palm handhelds. This takes it to another level - those brilliant Japanese!

Friday, January 30, 2009

2009 Horizon Report on emerging technologies

Each year, the report identifies and describes six areas of emerging technology likely to have a significant impact on teaching, learning, or creative expression in higher education within three adoption horizons: a year or less, two to three years, and four to five years.


The annual Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). The areas of emerging technology cited for 2009 are:
• Mobiles (i.e., mobile devices)
• Cloud computing
• Geo-everything (i.e., geo-tagging)
• The personal web
• Semantic-aware applications
• Smart objects
Each section of the report provides live Web links to examples and additional readings.