Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dabae Lee Joins Instructional Design and Technology Faculty at Emporia State University

The Department of Instructional Design and Technology at Emporia State University is excited to announce a new addition the faculty. Dabae Lee will be joining the department as an assistant professor this August. She will be teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses.

Dabae Lee received her B.A. in Business Administration at Yonsei University in South Korea and completed her M.S. and Ph.D. in Instructional Technology and another M.S. in Inquiry Methodology at Indiana University. Her research interests include personalized learning, student collaboration in PBL, roles of technology in personalized learning, learner-centered paradigm, active learning spaces, and research methods in Instructional Technology.

Please join us in welcoming her to Emporia State University and Emporia, KS.