Friday, July 1, 2011

AECT 2011 Convention - $500 grants available to IDT students!

IDT students:
Through an ESU Academic Enhancement Grant, I was able to secure $5,000 for up to 10 IDT students (that's $500 per student) to attend this year's AECT International Convention in Jacksonville, FL November 8-12, 2011 -
The $500 grants may be used to cover the convention student registration fee and/or travel and accommodations. The awards will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
All IDT faculty will be presenting at the convention.  Dr. Colorado is the president of the Research and Theory Division, and Dr. Eberle is on the Research and Theory Division Board. In addition, Dr. Childress is on the AECT Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and is president-elect designate for AECT. The three finalist teams for the PacifiCorp design and development competition will also be presenting their solutions at the convention.
At the convention, you will get to see (and meet with) many of the folks from your IDT textbooks, including Robert Reiser, David Merrill, John Keller, and Michael Spector, just to name a few.  This is THE convention for people in our field who are interested in more than just how-to conferences.  Individuals at this conference are actually conducting the research that drives our field. 
Student member registration for the conference is $195
Airfare to Jacksonville is currently around $282 (round trip) from Kansas City.
Hyatt Regency - $135/ Single or Double Rooms, plus tax. Triple/Quad $145. (So, if there are 4 in the room, $36.25 per person, per night, plus tax)
(8 in a room, $18.12 per room - but not recommended -  and probably not legal :)
You will be reimbursed (up to $500) for conference registration, airfare, and hotel  after attending the convention.
If you wish to secure funding, you must -
1. Join AECT as soon as possible (students may join for only $75) and send your membership number to Janet Schneider at  Funding will be reserved according to the order received. The $75 AECT membership fee is non-reimbursable.
2. Register for the AECT International Convention no later than September 2, 2011, and send your registration confirmation to Janet Schneider at  If you are not registered by September 2, 2011, your funds will be released and awarded to another individual.
No more than 10 students will be guaranteed an award. You must be enrolled in fall 2011 classes to receive your award. I hope you can take advantage of this opportunity!
Dr. Childress