Being a university professor involves more than teaching. University professors are also expected to excel in scholarly activity and service. They must produce externally reviewed articles/books, make presentations, and perform professional service. Emporia State University regards scholarly productivity as the primary vehicle for faculty development and enhancing the overall quality of the university. The Instructional Design and Technology Department's growing stature has in part been driven by increased faculty scholarship and its link to quality instruction and service to the discipline. Scholarly activity - presenting and publishing research - is an important component of tenure and promotion, but is also important for personal and professional development, as well.
Below, you will find a link to
Excellence Engaged - a 44-page booklet (PDF), that lists faculty and staff research and awards. As you will see in the document, IDT faculty members not only deliver quality instruction, but are also (in my opinion) ESU's most productive faculty in terms of scholarly activity and service. Please take a moment to look over the booklet and pay special attention to the pages that list IDT faculty accomplishments (listed below).
State/National Awards/Recognitions
Page 4
Leadership Positions
Page 10
Externally Reviewed Publications
Pages 34-35 (and page 38)
Download a PDF of the document by visiting
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